1. In US when one makes a reference to manufacturing jobs in Michigan


送交者: skipper3 于 2005-7-24, 11:33:40:

回答: Is auto industry the only manufacturing industry in Michigan? 由 mangolasi 于 2005-7-24, 09:59:34:

he is talking about auto industry.

2. I am not interested in where PK stands for what his intention is and whether his opinion is politically or academically right or wrong. They don't matter to me. I am only interested in how he argues how he arrives at his conclusion. In this case his logic is inexcusably flawed.

3. "we can not control our own hard-earned US dollars. They are in the fist of the Chinese government" is not true. Chinese generally can withdraw USD from bank freely and use it to buy anything made in US in the same way to buy anything made in Japan or in other places. Why China is running a trade deficit with Japan?. The fact is there is no unilateral government policy that puts more restriction on chinese consumers and enterprises buying from US than from anywhere else. China is buying huge amount of resource based commodity from US. Other than that there are not many things Chinese can buy now.

In addition, the operation of Chinese central bank on USD is no different compared with other central banks. USD reserve is not "our own dollar" per se.

4. I agree that ideal free trade does not exists. It is true Chinese government impose barriers on many types of imports. But these barriers are universal they do not target a specific major trading partner, and they are part of multi-lateral trade agreement. Chinese has also committed to open up more areas for foreign competition. It's all part of the deal. If you don't like it you don't get into the trade at the first place that's the business. But what is US government doing: they single out China (and some other countries too but they are not major US trading partner), and unilaterally impose barriers in various forms to prevent free flow of goods and capital(acquisition for example). I don't judge it's right or wrong. I only talk about it in the context of trade.



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