let me give you guys some numbers about breast cancer


送交者: xj 于 2005-10-05, 17:00:01:

everybody should be aware of.

Every year in the US, almost 200,000 new breast cancer cases based on American Cancer society.

1 in 225 of developing breast cancer for women younger than 39 years, and 1 in 24 for women aged 40-59, and continuously increase with age.

Overally, 1 in 8 women may develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

with earlier detection, the five year survival is above 90%

The risk factors:
highest (relative risk >4):
Advanced age
Western people
high premenopausal blood insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF 1)
high postmenopausal estrogen level
mother or sister with breast cancer

Middle (RR 2~4):
high socioeconomic status
age at first full-term pregnancy older than 30 (!)
history of breast cancer
first-degree relative with breast cancer
history of benign proliferative lession in breast

SOme risk (RR 1.1 ~2)
early menarche (age 55y)
postmenopausal obesity
high fat diet
Pretective factors:
age at first period older than 15 y
breast feeding for longer than 1 y
monounsaturated fat diet
physical activity
premenopausal obesity (!)

In sum, gene is the most important factor, and chance is a bigger factor than anything else.

Anybody has BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation will significantly increase her chance of breast cancer.

Men can have breast cancer too.



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