Infant Mortality is much more complicated than simply "社会经济问题"


送交者: BT 于 2005-10-17, 17:45:48:

Largely responsible for the higher rate of Infant Mortality Rate in the US is the excess contribution of prematurity. Preterm rates have increased over the last decade, which can hardly be explaned as simply "社会经济问题". Risk factors for prematurity include: history of preterm birth, maternal age, multifetal pregnancy, stress, infection, smoking and obesity. Many of the causes are still unknown and require continued research.

Some potential reasons for disparities in infant mortality

Age. Younger and older mothers have higher preterm birth rates.

Cigarette smoking. Smoking is a potential factor for low birth weight and growth retardation. Asian/Pacific Islanders smoke the least and
American Indian/Alaska Natives smoke the most.

Alchohol consumption. Alcohol consumption is a potential factor in poor pregnancy outcomes. Whites and American Indian/Alaska Natives have the highest alcohol consumption and Asian/Pacific Islanders have the lowest.

Unintended pregnancy. Births resulting from unwanted conceptions may suffer from elevated risks of infant mortality and low birth weight. In one study,African-American women indicated 29 percent of their births in the previous five years were unintended as opposed to 9.2 percent of white women.

Cultural. Mexican Americans reported more prenatal stress, less support from the baby’s father, and more drug/alcohol use.

Obesity. Asian/Pacific Islanders have the lowest obesity rate and African-Americans have the highest.

Unequal Care. Rates of prenatal care in the first trimester:
85 percent for whites.
77 percent for Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders.
75 percent for Hispanics.
74 percent for African-Americans.
69 percent for American Indians/Alaska Natives.

Education. More educated pregnant women have greater rates of prenatal care during the first trimester than less educated pregnant women.



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