送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2005-10-20, 14:59:32:
回答: 关于共军抗日阵亡将领回虎子 由 揍汉奸 于 2005-10-20, 14:21:07:
The only defense is the Balu will disptach guerilla
and set up base there behind the nemey lines.
If these Balu-controled behind-the nemy-line
were taken by the Niponese army, KMT would
never reach them.
From 1938 to 1945, the enemy-occupied area
were basically same. The only difference
is that Balu established many bases in
it. So whatever land KMT recovered
was negligible and so were their war
efforts. Even right before the war
was over, 4o thousands Japnese troops
could rout 400 thousands troops
It was unimaginable from any
angle and what is more unimganle
is that you lost so many troops
but you could even use that as
evidence that you did the fighting