送交者: pococurante 于 2005-12-02, 16:26:23:
回答: 我疏忽了,我道歉 由 雪泥 于 2005-12-02, 16:17:55:
question you need to answer is more difficult. You need better tools to suit the enviornment.
"因为这样的质疑可以是无休止的,我可以质疑任何一项社会调查的数据取得,我可以去质疑费孝通的江村经济是否进行了随机抽样,我也可以在他说自己进行了随机抽样之后继续对其进行质疑,可是这样有意义么?"--of course it is meaningful. In presueing the truth (or the infinitely close approximation of it), we need to make sure every step is proper. Every step can stand up against the validity of your research. You can publish a unperfect research, but you need to be open to further critics, and the risk of being completely thrown to the trash. That's the reason that we need to keep records of original data, and need to document very carefully how we get it.