送交者: mangolasi 于 2005-12-18, 13:09:07:
今天突然心血来潮(yeah! 我的"Ancestors' Tale“终于在礼拜五到达,今天开始拜读,刚看到DNA triangulation部分),于是找出很久以前在一个论坛见到的一个深得我心的帖子。
”I think we need to expand this question into two dimensions.
Group A tells the survey taker they believe in evolution. A1 could score above random on a basic evolutionary biology True/False test with statements such as "Evolution proceeds from lower life forms to higher ones" and "'Survival of the fittest' means the best organisms survive and reproduce while inferior ones die off or fail to reproduce". A2 could not score above random.
Group B tells the survey taker they believe in creationism. B1 could score above random on a basic biblical creation True/False test with statements like "the story of creation was revealed by Jesus in a sermon preached in Rome" and "the biblical book of Genesis contains two contradictory accounts of the creation of the universe." B2 could not score above random.
I claim:
The number of people in A2 and B2 far exceed A1 or B1, and thus dominate the statistics.
You cannot draw useful conclusions from movements from A2 to B2 and back.
A2 people are far more likely to make bad practical decisions from their ignorance than B2 people.
A1 people are far more likely to make good practical decisions from their knowledge than B1 people.“
记得在刚进大学时,我也象其他低年级没有外教的学生一样,到处自己找鬼佬来练英文,有一次碰到一个明显是传教士的人(BTW,这人面目清秀,举止文雅,和其他在中国一般都是色狼的鬼佬非常不同,可见教会非常居心叵测。。。er。。。用心良苦)。那是我见到的第一个基督教人士,于是非常好奇,在他preach上帝的仁爱没有几句话时,我就问他怎么reconcile上帝和进化论(我那时对两者都懂一点点,觉得是矛盾的)。他一句就说达尔文是错的。我反应很大,说:"but there's plenty of fossils evidence!"(在中学,我们的主要证据是化石)。他回答了一句“but they can be faked",我当时不能反驳,一直在思考那句话,以下他说了什么我都不知了。