送交者: skipper3 于 2005-2-04, 18:25:13:
回答: 没觉得潘某怎么了. 由 deadfish 于 2005-2-04, 17:22:54:
discussion is not going anywhere: you are wasting time, energy and your employers' IT resource for nothing. That's very stupid. And if this keeps going on a dead fish may become a salted fish.
So I present you two options:
1. You all shut up and go back to your work. You have your deadline to meet don't you? (if not you can treat your partner a Friday evening dinner that will be time well spent.)
2. Find a common ground, start the debate all over again. There is only one way to build a common ground is SuanZhang: what is the cost of letting Pan violate the rule and what is the benefit? And: what is the oppotunity cost if KeDa waits for someone to change the rule before they can hire Pan? You need to get some information, do some analysis, use your well developed brain to make judgment. Merely saying the cost is high ot low is not acceptable.
To 啊撒: rules are made to be broken. The world won't be what you see today if no one has ever broken an existing rule. The existing rule in this case was made years ago. It reflects a compromise between market economy and planned economy. It is outdated.