

送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2009-10-15, 11:42:50:

回答: 完全可以通过某种英语测试但实际生活里的简单问题听不懂 由 HunHunSheng 于 2009-10-15, 11:13:24:

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.
Alaska is the largest U.S. state.
California has largest population in the United States.
California has the most people.
Canada is north of the United States.
Citizens can vote.
Columbus Day is in October.
George Washington was the first president.
I live in the United States.
I love to live in America.
Independence Day is in July.
Lincoln was the President during the Civil War.
New York City was the first capital.
People vote for the President in November.

People want to vote.
Thanksgiving is in November.

The American flag has stars and stripes.
The American Indians lived here.
The President lives in the White House.
The President of the United States is elected by the people.
The people elect Congress.
The White House is in Washington D.C.

There are 100 senators (Better write 100 as one hundred).
There are 100 senators in the US Senate (Better write 100 as one hundred).
Washington is on the dollar bill.
Washington is the capital.
Washington is the father of our Nation.
We have one hundred senators.
We pay taxes.



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