Quite sure, because I cannot find an exception.


送交者: 三脚猫 于 2010-02-04, 22:42:37:

回答: 你的跟贴看不见。我有一个问题 由 suprathinker 于 2010-02-04, 22:22:39:

If you can propose a doped MO semiconductor of p-type, whereas the doped atoms occupy the oxygen atom positions and get electrons from oxygen, then you win.

Electrons from Zn2+ are not necessary to consider: chemistry feeling is, energy of 3d electrons in Zn2+ is even lower than O 2p. But for Cu2O things might be different, the feeling is energy level of 3d in Cu+ is higher than O 2p. But if you have p-type of N doped Cu2O, the contribution is of electron from Cu instead of O, so electronegativity is still valid.



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