4. Independent experts both inside and outside of China are able to attribute some patients' voiding ability to intra-abodminal pressure rather than the detrusor contraction.
4. Independent experts both inside and outside of China are able to attribute some patients' voiding to intra-abodminal pressure rather than the detrusor contraction, and the effects of Xiao's procedure are actually that of the closely related conventional treatments of neurogenic bladders - denervation and/or detethering, instead of reinervation of the procedure itself [].
[quote]They have also exaggerated the number of patients of the NIH sponsored trial at New York University in their publication [] and news release []
"They" are doctors in Germany, and doctors at ACH
[quote]Blount JP and Tuite G. Xiao Procedure. Pediatric ShortCuts Newsletter. Spring 2009
The National Institutes of Health sponsored a trial for 40 spinal-cord-injured patients at New York University in 2003. An 80 percent response rate was reported.
[Note] Dr. Tuite is one of the neurosurgeons who lead the clinical trial at All Children’s Hospital in Fla., see:
News release of the University of Tuebingen
13 Patienten wurden bisher in den USA versorgt und wiesen eine deutlich schnellere Regeneration der Blasenfunktion von sechs Monaten auf, mit einer annahernd gleich bleibenden Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit von 80 Prozent.
English translation:
So far, 13 patients had been treated in the U.S. and it showed a noticeably fast recovery of bladder function from six months, with an almost the same constant 80% success rate (as Dr. Xiao previously reported).
[Note] According to Dr. Xiao's presentation at SIU 2009, among 6 SCI patients at the University of Tuebingen, "only 2 showed some improvement". Dr. Karl-Dietrich Sievert is one of doctors who led the clinical trial. He is one of the signees of the Open letter in support of Chuan-Guo Xiao. He is also the author of the Editorial Comment on Xiao's 2006 review.