

送交者: 羽矢 于 2010-11-07, 12:07:40:

回答: 有两处: 由 羽矢 于 2010-11-07, 10:50:42:

We request doctors at Beaumont, instead of continuing their clinical trial, to do a historic review on the closely related conventional treatments of neurogenic bladders - denervation and/or detethering, and compare their results to that of those treatments.

选择性骶神经切断术文献(Dr. Eric Kurzrock在编辑评论中提供):
[2]. Lucas MG, Thomas DG, Clarke S et al: Long-term follow-up of selective sacral neurectomy. Br J Urol 1988; 61: 218.
Thirteen of the 22 patients had significant symptomatic improvement lasting for more than 4 years post-operatively (59%), 8 of whom had stable bladders.
[3]. Hohenfellner M, Pannek J, Botel U et al: Sacral bladder denervation for treatment of detrusor hyperreflexia and autonomic dysreflexia. Urology 2001; 58: 28.
Detrusor hyperreflexia and autonomic dysreflexia were eliminated in all cases. ...

解栓术文献(google scholar搜索结果头两条):
[1] von Koch CS, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Gulati M, Lyon R, Peacock WJ, Yingling CD. Clinical outcome in children undergoing tethered cord release utilizing intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2002 Aug;37(2):81-6.
25名患者中的4名,大小便显著改善。(Significant bowel and bladder improvement was seen in 4 out of 25 patients)
[2] Hsieh MH, Perry V, Gupta N, Pearson C, Nguyen HT. The effects of detethering on the urodynamics profile in children with a tethered cord. J Neurosurg. 2006 Nov;105(5 Suppl):391-5.
10名术前尿动力学结果异常的患者中的5名,术后尿动力学研究表现出改善或正常的尿动力学数据(in five (50%) of the 10 children with abnormal preoperative UDS results, the postoperative UDS demonstrated improved or normal urodynamics.)

Schneidau T, Franco I, Zebold K, Kaplan W. Selective sacral rhizotomy for the management of neurogenic bladders in spina bifida patients: long-term followup. J Urol. 1995 Aug;154(2 Pt 2):766-8.
In 1992, 2 of us (I.F. and W.K.) first reported results with selective sacral rhizotomy and cord untethering in 8 spina bifida patients. We report long-term followup of our original 8 patients and 3 additional patients. This followup demonstrates remarkable success in maintaining bladder volume and low pressures after rhizotomy and cord untethering. Uninhibited contractions resolved in all patients postoperatively. A more favorable response occurred in the patients younger than 9 years, supporting early intervention with selective sacral rhizotomy.



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