送交者: aliastwo 于 2005-4-08, 12:01:42:
回答: (if A then B) -/-> (if !A then !B); but... 由 Dominatus 于 2005-4-08, 11:37:57:
Apparently A则B means (if A then B), here comes the question how you translate A即B.
if A即B means (if B then A), then 合理->存在。but he stated in his first posting, 不合理->不存在,so Enlighten was right in the first place.
if A即B means (if A then B), then 存在->合理 or 不合理>不存在。Well, all he said later,like 我因此告诉你“不存在说明它不合理”,were just bullshit!