Next google


送交者: Roboo 于 2005-10-25, 23:11:12:

回答: 第三代搜索引擎LEXXE 由 妖魔 于 2005-10-24, 07:12:43:

3rd generation search engine, is superior to Google. If you ask a question in English, it will answer you. Here are some questions: who is Pâris? what is the capital of France? what is the lymphone? what is the highest mountain?

The answer depends on the way a question is asked. For example, the question "how old is Google" gets the answer "five years old". But when asked "how many is Google?", the answer is "It is 7th birthday".

It is developed in 2003 by Dr. Hong Liang Qiao, specialized in Computational Linguistics. The new search engine is able to recognize different types of sentences, anaylyze syntax and disambiguate word senses in context. It also understands users intention through questions and key words. As a result, the search results are more accurate, reliable and satisfactory. But the answers depends on the content of the webpages and their occurances. According to Dr. Qiao, to get the better answers, the questions have to be less than 10 words.

  • 没有试过,不过你给的这几个例子问题是不是太简单了? - AA (40 bytes) 2005-10-27, 03:55:47


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