送交者: cornbug 于 2005-5-16, 10:52:38:
Return by Robert Creeley
Quiet as is proper for such places;
The street, subdued, half-snow, half-rain,
Endless, but ending in the darkened doors.
Inside, they who will be there always,
Quiet as is proper for such people--
Enough for now to be here, and
To know my door is one of these.
Creeley felt cut off from "the society as it then was." "Return," written during the winter of 1945, was the first of his poems to be published. In it, he expresses his relief at finding his "door" on an otherwise "endless" street and, simultaneously, his sense of feeling apart.
The first five lines of the poem sketch a cold, dark insular society of "quiet" places and people "who will be there always." Repetition and alliteration suggest a rigidly patterned, predictable circumtaance to which the poet almost, but not quite, belongs. The dash ending line 5 separates the speaker from "such places" and "such people." Furthermore, his "door" should be "one of those" to satisfy the expectation set up by the sound of "know," but, it turns it, his "door" is "one of these." Formally, there is at least one word in each line of "Return" which anticipates the sound of the final word in the line--"as is" : "Places"; "half-snow" ; "half-rain"; "darkened" ; "doors"; "They" ; "always"; "proper" ; "people"; Enough for now" : "and." "These," the last word of "Return," designates the poet's "place," which is conspicuously alone.