送交者: skipper3 于 2005-6-16, 16:40:48:
回答: 上次问了个时间旅行是否和质能守恒定律矛盾的问题, 由 蓝隼 于 2005-6-16, 15:30:04:
Let a WenKen(who happen to be a model aricraft enthusiast) like myself tell you how it works.
Yes the body of the mono propeller plane tends to rotate the other way. Remember, to keep the plane at stable attitude, the flaps of both wings and horizontal stabilizer are set to certain angles. To prevent rolling due to mono propeller, these angles at the right side are slightly different than those at the left side.
But this only works when the plane is moving forward at a relatively high speed. For a chopper, it is required to fly very slow or even stay stand still in the mid air, therefore it needs something else to prevent it from rotating the other way, hence the tail propeller.
btw in early days, some planes are designed in a way that one wing is slightly longer than the other one. THis generates asymmetricity in "lifting force" as well as weight distribution, which is used to counter the rolling due to a mono propeller.