your example is no good


送交者: kma 于 2010-10-30, 16:01:15:

回答: 不管说没说,是不是事实? 由 蟑脑丸 于 2010-10-30, 15:50:50:

i am one of thsoe chinese who merged so little into americna culture despite more than a decade here, but i am a strong fna of baseball (watching only), rarely i go a day wihtout seeing some baseball news. i am quite sure few xys readers know more mlb than i (not baseball itself, i must say, i never ever swing a bat).

on the other side, those chinese who deeply involve themselves in american ways of life might know little about baseball simply because they are not fans, and also true for no-fan america-born citizens. even if they watch their kids playing softball or baseball, they don't ahve to know whetehr canada has a mlb team or not, you agree?



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