刚查到肖是怎么吹牛的:100%,53199,53199#msg-53199抽空介绍下XIAO PROCEDURE近况 (1449 bytes)
Posted by: CG
Beaumont的首期9个病人的2年结果:8个大便正常,7个能自己拉尿(其中已有5个HOMERUN,应该全部的,如果早停Cath。),53703,53703#msg-53703支撑疲惫之躯的甘泉 (2180 bytes)
Posted by: CG
Date: September 27, 2009 06:31AM
Feber K, Dyche D, Girdler B, Turzewski C, Trock F, Nantau W, Kass E, Peters K. Two-year outcomes with lumbar to sacral nerve re-routing in spina bifida. J. Urol. Vol 183, no 4, Supplement, e392.
RESULTS: By 24 months, 7/9 patients had a lumbar-sacral nerve reflex with stimulation of the appropriate dermatome, 8 of 9 patients were voiding to some degree and 5/9 patients were emptying >50% of bladder volume. Bladder compliance markedly improved in 50% of patients that had poor baseline compliance (10 ml/cm H20). 8 of 9 patients were safely off antimuscarinics and 50% had complete resolution of involuntary detrusor contractions. Renal function and kidney ultrasounds remained stable. At 24 months follow up, all patients had returned to their baseline mobility except for one with persistent foot drop. No patients had worsening of urinary function and 7/9 (78%) reported improvement. No patients had worsening of bowel function and 6/9 (66%) reported improvement. Where as only one patient (11%) was continent of stool at baseline, by 24 months 5/9 (56%)were continent. Quality of life was improved in 6/9 (66%) of patients and worse in 1 (foot drop). The majority, 7/9 (78%) would undergo the procedure again.
CONCLUSIONS: At 24 months, successful nerve rerouting was confirmed in 7/9 (78%) of patients having a skin to bladder reflex. The majority of patients had significant improvement of urinary and bowel function. 8/9 patients were off anticholinergics and able to void between catheterizations, but the majority still had occasional stress urinary
incontinence. Future studies with strict inclusion criteria are necessary to identify the best potential outcomes for spina bifida patients undergoing lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting.