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- 79岁生孩子是不是中国的记录? - zqliu (139 bytes) 2013-01-06, 23:40:59 (698946)
- 方博士的《一大类可怕的草药》的雄文真是功德无量啊! - 918 (252 bytes) 2013-01-06, 23:19:44 (698943)
- 白宫发表的≪2012:A Year in Photos≫的几十张照片里就两张有computer, - 淼水 (225 bytes) 2013-01-06, 22:36:49 (698937)
- “正倒温度”=负温度?可是至今没人能达到绝对零度,更别说负温度了!!! (无内容) - Zzz (0 bytes) 2013-01-06, 22:09:22 (698927)
- 假设向一个倒温度值为+1的量子气体输入能量 - Zzz (179 bytes) 2013-01-06, 22:31:58 (698936)
- 不会 - whoami (609 bytes) 2013-01-07, 02:11:00 (698958)
- 吴丹红的情况复杂呢,有人黑了他163的邮箱,发现他利用名人身份 - jhuang (175 bytes) 2013-01-06, 21:44:11 (698922)
- 周五讲故事:现代美景 - 湘女 (1650 bytes) 2013-01-06, 20:44:21 (698906)
- 中国变革应该从上海这类大城市开始,而不是从井冈山。钻山的政治人物一定是匪。 (无内容) - suprathinker (0 bytes) 2013-01-06, 20:32:27 (698903)
- 这是@博哥微尘说的话中我最欣赏的一句话,感觉忒有哲理 - jhuang (342 bytes) 2013-01-06, 20:29:54 (698902)
- 曝隐私打棍子和文革一样不尊重人才:爆料人称房妹之父关系复杂 呼吁上级查经适房 - 095 (2127 bytes) 2013-01-06, 19:35:18 (698895)
- shine, this is why Americans need guns to self defense: - true (255 bytes) 2013-01-06, 19:15:11 (698891)
- She fired 6 rounds when the intruder opened the closet door. - cornbug (281 bytes) 2013-01-06, 21:50:16 (698924)
- I know you tried to convince me of 'miracle' of owning a gun.:) - shine (282 bytes) 2013-01-06, 21:07:55 (698911)
- just imagine that she is not allowed to own the gun, what will happen? - CVI (39 bytes) 2013-01-06, 21:28:13 (698917)
- Just imagine the intruders shoot her house with tow missile, - steven (127 bytes) 2013-01-06, 21:38:02 (698919)
- you need learn some basic logics. 捣浆糊只能显蠢。 (无内容) - CVI (0 bytes) 2013-01-07, 08:23:52 (698966)
- I don't think Steven is Daojianghu, acutually his sense of humor - shine (52 bytes) 2013-01-07, 11:45:00 (698976)
- tell me who owes missels now and who robbed any house armed with missles. (无内容) - CVI (0 bytes) 2013-01-07, 11:48:59 (698977)
- So you did not get it: Arms Race Escalation is not the solution! (无内容) - silxirt (0 bytes) 2013-01-07, 12:05:12 (698981)
- are we having arm race since we are allowed to own guns???????????? (无内容) - CVI (0 bytes) 2013-01-07, 12:49:07 (698985)
- Yes. One of the arguments of owning a gun is: if not - silxirt (879 bytes) 2013-01-07, 13:14:56 (698989)
- then tell me whoever robbed a house armed with missiles. (无内容) - CVI (0 bytes) 2013-01-07, 13:48:12 (698992)
- Hans Gruber and his gang used misiles while robbing Nakatomi building. - steven (513 bytes) 2013-01-07, 15:35:00 (699014)
- I see, it is by design, looks like I can only talk to myself at this level. - silxirt (3 bytes) 2013-01-07, 14:45:50 (699002)
- Oops!发给楼下的。(看来我脑子真有问题了,哈哈) (无内容) - silxirt (0 bytes) 2013-01-07, 14:44:46 (699001)
- 发给楼下的。 (无内容) - silxirt (0 bytes) 2013-01-07, 14:43:21 (699000)
- OK, might be true. My home is not locked unless on vacation - silxirt (21 bytes) 2013-01-07, 14:42:17 (698999)
- you dont get it. You use your imagination while ignoring real world. (无内容) - CVI (0 bytes) 2013-01-07, 14:16:40 (698995)
- No there yet, the ultimate solution is nuke, but so far - silxirt (270 bytes) 2013-01-07, 14:07:46 (698994)
- Mission-er I owns missels, and MIssion-er I gonna rob De-missioned I' s - shine (36 bytes) 2013-01-07, 11:57:39 (698979)
- Well said Steven - shine (107 bytes) 2013-01-06, 21:45:48 (698923)
- gun is not a toy, you need practice. in the above case, what if she has no gun? (无内容) - true (0 bytes) 2013-01-06, 21:24:16 (698915)
- What a pity - daye (37 bytes) 2013-01-06, 19:39:39 (698896)
- 曾经跟一个南亚同事讨论过结婚彩礼问题 - Zzz (331 bytes) 2013-01-06, 18:06:56 (698885)
- 读书读书--“视觉革命”说人类是不容易被看见的地方才长毛所以裸皮是为了被看的。以 (无内容) - 短江学者 (0 bytes) 2013-01-06, 17:54:02 (698879)
- 没有教养的上海人 - 三叉戟 (160 bytes) 2013-01-06, 17:52:33 (698877)
- 去了鲁迅博物馆,看到老鼠娶亲,想起中土知屎分子一百多年来吹吹打打,实在是形象。 (无内容) - 095 (0 bytes) 2013-01-06, 17:24:37 (698868)
- 吃货 - 水手 (91 bytes) 2013-01-06, 16:47:51 (698867)
- 眼神 - 水手 (76 bytes) 2013-01-06, 16:47:09 (698866)
- 在这儿南方周末是不是禁忌话题? (无内容) - 2012 (0 bytes) 2013-01-06, 15:41:06 (698859)
- 晒晒改革红利,就知黑猫白猫:林彪集团后代现状:我们仍属共产党 非黑二代 - 095 (445 bytes) 2013-01-06, 15:23:38 (698856)
- 中土有这样的农业分区图吗? - true (119 bytes) 2013-01-06, 14:56:51 (698854)
- 时光机从来就有啊,我们每个人都在免费用啊,不过是没有倒车档, - 蓝隼 (138 bytes) 2013-01-06, 14:07:15 (698851)
- 浅谈量子气体中的负温度 - asker (2581 bytes) 2013-01-06, 14:05:52 (698849)
- 看来栗子也算水果。果 果 果 果 多看就不象了 - 短江学者 (199 bytes) 2013-01-06, 13:09:41 (698844)
- [转贴]可怜啊!上海滩绿帽横飞 上海男人忍气吞声 - 淼水 (2138 bytes) 2013-01-06, 12:56:08 (698843)
- 上海男人怕老婆的原因:性功能障碍! - 淼水 (362 bytes) 2013-01-06, 12:48:22 (698841)
- 蓝海肯定没把上海女人真正疼老公的地方说出来。 - jxh (80 bytes) 2013-01-06, 12:20:21 (698840)
- 疼到零用钱都不给 - 三叉戟 (34 bytes) 2013-01-06, 14:02:39 (698848)
- 没有工具的男人是猥琐的 - 糖蜜 (288 bytes) 2013-01-06, 10:22:24 (698832)
- 狗屁大学豢养的狗子: 北大教授放言:至少需要等上20年 房价才会下跌 - 095 (646 bytes) 2013-01-06, 06:37:03 (698827)
- 白宫发布2012年图片精选84张 中美领导人纷纷晒私照过招 - yorker (558 bytes) 2013-01-06, 05:05:13 (698826)
- 舒淇不是清空微博离开了?啥时候又会来了? (无内容) - centuryEgg (0 bytes) 2013-01-06, 02:27:28 (698813)
- 地主阶级复兴了,也就该再次斗地主了:广州海珠区一菜市涨租 菜贩集体歇业 - 095 (2032 bytes) 2013-01-06, 00:22:58 (698811)
- 中国科学院你是科研的国家队,还是只求向国家索取的耗财队? -- 当然是耗子队! (无内容) - 095 (0 bytes) 2013-01-05, 23:44:56 (698809)
- 中国古时候有水果的概念吗? 还是单称橘,梨,荔,而无总称? (无内容) - 短江学者 (0 bytes) 2013-01-05, 22:48:12 (698802)
- 蔬果、瓜果。 (无内容) - whoami (0 bytes) 2013-01-05, 23:01:21 (698806)
- 西游记? (无内容) - 短江学者 (0 bytes) 2013-01-05, 23:09:24 (698807)
- 古到那时? (无内容) - trus (0 bytes) 2013-01-05, 22:49:04 (698804)
- 古人的“蓬门”这个词用得真好,既形象又含蓄,比现在网了词比如黑木耳之类。 - ASH (112 bytes) 2013-01-05, 21:31:58 (698793)
- 复辟复兴,互相保护是必须的:房妹父亲被指有保护伞 报料人称其在京沪有房产 - 095 (1358 bytes) 2013-01-05, 21:14:46 (698792)
- 有件事儿,按最近终于想通了 - ysc (507 bytes) 2013-01-05, 19:53:50 (698788)
- Yahoo CEO Marissa at the 5th Ave Apple Store at 11pm. Wow... - 淼水 (597 bytes) 2013-01-05, 18:58:34 (698782)
- 所谓的“疼老婆”是男人掩饰性无能的救命稻草 - 三叉戟 (160 bytes) 2013-01-05, 17:20:49 (698775)
- 看了老方的《一大类可怕的草药》,深有感触:全中国所有中医加起来 - runlikeforest (303 bytes) 2013-01-05, 15:20:49 (698764)
- cornbug, 请进。 - 湘女 (161 bytes) 2013-01-05, 11:30:45 (698758)
- 再发三个逆天视频-老规矩求科普求打假 - 寒江秋雨 (288 bytes) 2013-01-05, 08:57:10 (698743)
- 台湾女生发文赞上海男人疼老婆令人称羡 - bluesea (2105 bytes) 2013-01-05, 08:28:29 (698735)
- Apple衰败与否,看它的retail store!是在新建还是收缩。 - 淼水 (44 bytes) 2013-01-05, 08:10:39 (698733)
- 科学家造出低于绝对零度的量子气体-我感觉我要傻掉了 - 寒江秋雨 (740 bytes) 2013-01-05, 07:35:19 (698731)
- 香港禁用的含马兜铃酸中药材名单 - 方舟子 (844 bytes) 2013-01-05, 05:10:01 (698724)
- 先声夺人,一开始就把人镇住。 - whoami (141 bytes) 2013-01-05, 02:40:14 (698718)
- 神经病! (无内容) - er2up (0 bytes) 2013-01-05, 06:56:42 (698727)
- 世界上最美的声音最美的音乐 - whoami (137 bytes) 2013-01-05, 01:40:04 (698716)
- 视频: 东北话版《泰坦尼克号, - 邯郸学步 (153 bytes) 2013-01-04, 23:22:08 (698707)