(Page Generated:2005-5-26)
- 不懂物理,前来请教,这是篇好文章吗? - bluesea (8377 bytes) 2005-5-28, 16:05:58 (29575)
- 读上海部分媒体的文章有时候觉得太好笑了。 - bluesea (701 bytes) 2005-5-28, 14:47:55 (29571)
- skipper3说的话基本可以当做反话听,比如,农民. - bluesea (850 bytes) 2005-5-28, 12:16:12 (29564)
- Yeah, North Korea is a lot better (lets see photos) - Europeanese (60 bytes) 2005-5-28, 19:26:17 (29593)
- "上面顿着几个光膀子黄皮肤的汉子,在打牌。" - Latino2 (32 bytes) 2005-5-28, 17:10:41 (29583)
- 关键是有那么多的打工者非正常亡故 - pudding (325 bytes) 2005-5-28, 16:15:26 (29580)
- 旗忠村偶也去过,里面农民都在关门赌博 - xj (163 bytes) 2005-5-28, 16:04:46 (29574)
- Wenzhou people are admirable, but ... - gordon (1615 bytes) 2005-5-28, 15:47:53 (29573)
- 就是在北京郊区的农民情况也好不到哪里去 - 蓝隼 (412 bytes) 2005-5-28, 15:27:54 (29572)
- 浙江农民 - sssa (380 bytes) 2005-5-28, 14:07:20 (29568)
- It sounds like fagus/Hunhun's view on the reform. (无内容) - Europeanese (0 bytes) 2005-5-28, 12:26:44 (29566)
- 李盆总理、胡总、连爷爷、宋爷爷、小马书法大比拼 - Europeanese (101 bytes) 2005-5-28, 09:07:30 (29560)
- 清华青年教师王传利和赵政同学的诗 - Europeanese (4941 bytes) 2005-5-28, 01:41:46 (29543)
- UK's most famous female scientist denied royal society fellowship again - hehe (2448 bytes) 2005-5-28, 00:48:46 (29537)
- 许智宏:北大一百零五年五位是最优秀的毕业生 - sssa (1523 bytes) 2005-5-27, 23:43:44 (29531)
- 请教纽约学医的同学:这件事真实性多大? - daye (8580 bytes) 2005-5-27, 23:24:16 (29528)
- MSKCC - drmed (28 bytes) 2005-5-28, 16:20:07 (29581)
- 这么感人的事纽约中英文报纸因该有报导。 - cornbug (54 bytes) 2005-5-27, 23:48:31 (29532)
- 澳洲Australia土著是Chinese - 火格Meshfire (847 bytes) 2005-5-27, 22:59:14 (29526)
- 各位大夫朋友, 有事请教. - harper (522 bytes) 2005-5-27, 22:17:06 (29522)
- China found America 71 years earlier than Columbus - 火格Meshfire (291 bytes) 2005-5-27, 22:04:46 (29521)
- 室温下,未开封的葡萄酒能放多久,开过封未喝完的葡萄酒又能放多久? - 笑笑 (1 bytes) 2005-5-27, 20:14:45 (29514)
- 新到的周颂平的那篇文章,他到底想说明什么?看不懂他的用意 (无内容) - tony123 (0 bytes) 2005-5-27, 18:08:48 (29498)
- 杨焕明在海啸遇难者DNA鉴定上出丑的事没人知道吗? - 大胖星 (5045 bytes) 2005-5-27, 17:37:26 (29487)
- 谁给我扫一下盲:陈景润的1+2 - ANTIS (549 bytes) 2005-5-27, 16:45:34 (29458)
- [转帖] [最真实的照片,最真实的农村!!! ] [23p] - gordon (60 bytes) 2005-5-27, 15:17:32 (29431)
- "最真实"不符合托福语法 (无内容) - Jingzhang2 (0 bytes) 2005-5-28, 17:17:25 (29584)
- 看到这些照片,真的好难过! - sky_lan (346 bytes) 2005-5-28, 10:59:29 (29563)
- 能提点建议吗,怎样帮助他们脱贫? - Latino2 (34 bytes) 2005-5-28, 01:31:45 (29539)
- what? only poor 农村 is qualified to be 真实的农村? - skipper3 (813 bytes) 2005-5-27, 16:36:32 (29454)
- who cares? there are poor people everywhere (无内容) - xj (0 bytes) 2005-5-27, 16:21:45 (29447)
- Well, - cornbug (90 bytes) 2005-5-27, 16:12:08 (29443)
- While they suffer the most... - silxirt (94 bytes) 2005-5-27, 16:04:27 (29439)
- Deng Xiaoping's reform ruined the future of Chinese peasantry - HunHunSheng (127 bytes) 2005-5-27, 15:53:04 (29436)
- Speechless. Result of decade’s practice of socialism - silxirt (160 bytes) 2005-5-27, 15:47:20 (29435)
- Who has experience using internet phone - A regular - chouqilozi (136 bytes) 2005-5-27, 10:49:18 (29394)
- 来点轻松的吧. - bluesea (71 bytes) 2005-5-27, 10:40:53 (29393)
- 纽约时报又关心起中国的环境来了:消失中的敦煌月湾湖 - JZ (145 bytes) 2005-5-27, 10:35:56 (29392)
- 网上新闻的生命期限是多长? - Latino2 (3132 bytes) 2005-5-27, 10:13:10 (29385)
- 中国教育界又一大悲哀/硬伤 - Europeanese (1498 bytes) 2005-5-27, 10:03:52 (29383)
- "自以为是"在我看是合理的,"自以为不是"在逻辑上根本讲不通. - bluesea (222 bytes) 2005-5-27, 08:08:38 (29377)
- 伊拉克政府军可不可以说是伪政府?比如有点象当年的汪精卫政府啥的。 (无内容) - Europeanese (0 bytes) 2005-5-27, 07:01:14 (29374)
- 把白炽灯和节能灯合为一体 - SVT (151 bytes) 2005-5-27, 04:03:58 (29362)
- 面试了, 面试了! - sssa (144 bytes) 2005-5-27, 03:51:18 (29359)
- Who is 小曾? - boxer (74 bytes) 2005-5-27, 15:38:00 (29432)
- 不知道那些到微软去的人咋面试的。偶如果碰到这些题目 - xj (98 bytes) 2005-5-27, 12:18:04 (29408)
- 答案 - sssa (83 bytes) 2005-5-27, 03:52:22 (29360)
- 答案解释 - sssa (122 bytes) 2005-5-27, 03:54:05 (29361)
- 也谈"Light", origin of Light - bluesky007 (701 bytes) 2005-5-27, 03:18:05 (29354)
- 也谈"科学" - 聊斋 (833 bytes) 2005-5-27, 00:33:49 (29346)
- "谁动了张胖子的脑子?" 征文 (无内容) - bubble (0 bytes) 2005-5-27, 00:09:07 (29343)
- PBS正在播1421: The Year China Discovered America - 中南海内参 (149 bytes) 2005-5-26, 23:27:32 (29338)
- 老中一号, 我怎么听说有绿卡只要每6个月回一次美国就可以 - ANTIS (88 bytes) 2005-5-26, 21:56:48 (29333)
- 以前这里有个NEO的到那去了? - cornbug (83 bytes) 2005-5-26, 21:45:30 (29330)
- Ok. no PKU bashing this time. But it is a "Negative" report - sssa (6840 bytes) 2005-5-26, 21:32:20 (29328)